How do I find good subject terms for my database searches?
EBSCO, ProQuest and Gale databases have some form of a thesaurus to find subject terms if the ones you have aren't giving you enough results.
In EBSCO, click Subject Terms in the blue menu bar.
As an example: using the search term "child abuse" the database will give direction on the proper wording of a search term. Below, instead of using "child abuse--law & legislation" use "child abuse laws."
In ProQuest, click on Thesaurus for suggested subject terms:
Using "child abuse" again as a search term, the thesaurus says to use "child abuse & neglect" instead. It also has the options of using the broader terms "crime" and "crimes against persons."
In a Gale database, enter a term in the Subject Guide Search:
Using "child abuse" once more, the Subject Guide Search lists numerous subdivisions and also reveals the number of articles available covering the topic.