What are the databases I can use to look up articles and how are they found on the library's website?


Go to the MSMC portal and log in. Click on the library icon at the top of the page.

At the library's website, go to the heading Find Information and in the dropdown menu, click Articles and Databases.

You will be directed to the Articles and Databases page. If you know the name of the database you want to search, click on All Databases and search for the name alphabetically. Click on Databases by Subject to find databases related to your area of study, for example Nursing.

These are the links to the databases arranged alphabetically by name or by subject groupings. If you need help searching databases you can ask a library staff member or schedule a research consultation with one of our librarians.

If you are first starting with your research, you can begin with these general databases covering multiple topics: https://libraryguides.msmc.edu/all

Watch the short YouTube video below for database search tips.


  • Last Updated Jan 30, 2022
  • Views 51
  • Answered By Evelyn Quinlan

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