Are there locations in the library where I can attend my Zoom class?


The Kaplan Library has set aside space for students needing to participate in online Zoom classes. Your options are:

1. Study rooms--you can block a two-hour time period per day in one of our six study rooms. Make a reservation with this link.

2. Second floor, Room 218.

3. Six study carrels on the first floor, on the west side of the building.

4. The outside tables on the DC patio, through the back DC Cafe doors.

5. If you don't have a laptop, there are individual computer stations with cameras in the south computer lab of the DC marked off for Zoom classes. Please see the document below for instructions on how to turn on the computer's camera and download the Zoom app.

Library Map for Zoom locations

See a staff member at either the information desk on the first floor or the checkout desk on the second floor if you need help.

Contact the library with questions 845-569-3600 or email


  • Last Updated Jan 30, 2022
  • Views 151
  • Answered By Evelyn Quinlan

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