How do I get online access to the Wall Street Journal?
Free online access to the Wall Street Journal is available to the Mount Saint Mary College community. This service gives students, faculty, staff, and administrators full access to the Wall Street Journal's exclusive programs for colleges and universities.
To register:
1. Go to
2. Complete the following fields:
Account Type: Professor, Staff or Student
First & Last Name
Email Address
Graduation Month & Year (Students Only)
NOTE: The email and password you enter here will become your login credentials when you access or use the WSJ app.
3. After successfully creating an account, you will be redirected to WSJ’s confirmation page. Click on “Okay, Let’s Go” to customize your experience.
Refreshing Access
Faculty and staff will need to refresh their access to WSJ content each year to confirm they are still affiliated with Mount Saint Mary College.
All faculty and staff users will receive an email notification seven days prior to their refresh. By clicking “Refresh Membership” or the “Click here” prompt in the email, users will be directed to refresh their access for another year.