How do I find a book in the library and how can I borrow it?


First, a user finds a book by searching the online library catalog (OPAC) at the library's website. Use the catalog to search by keyword, author or title. When the search results appear, you'll see the location, call number and status of the book. The call number is a unique identifier (like an address) and corresponds to the location in the library and on the bookshelves. 

In the example above, the keyword search was nursing. The first relevant entry is a book titled Trauma nursing: from resuscitation through rehabilitation. Shown in the entry is location, call number, status and the blue button Find it. The Find it feature is a handy guide that brings up a library map that pinpoints the location of the book. In this example, it's on the first floor in the Reference section.

  • Reference books are located on the first floor of the library near the printer (encyclopedias, dictionaries, Biblical commentaries).
  • The first floor of the library also houses books with call numbers from A-PR (philosophy, religion, history, education, world literature).
  • The call numbers on the second floor range from PS-Z (American literature, sciences, medical).
  • The Curriculum Materials Center (CMC) on the first floor has children's, juvenile, and young adult fiction and non-fiction books.

When you find what you are looking for and are ready to leave the library with your items, you need to check them out first. You can either use the self-checkout stations on the first floor to borrow the item(s) or come to the checkout desk on the second floor. You'll need your MSMC student ID for both locations. There is no charge to borrow a book from the library (unless you don't bring it back!).

You can always stop by the information or checkout desks for help or send an email to For more in-depth questions, request help here.

  • Last Updated Nov 10, 2022
  • Views 56
  • Answered By Evelyn Quinlan

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